Thinking of setting up shop in another country?

It would cost almost $315,000 a year to run a small tech startup in Zurich – nearly seven times as much as it would cost you in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, according to the infographic below compiled by global recruitment online platform That’s a high price to pay for being surrounded by (admittedly delicious) chocolate.

Related: Count It: How Many Times These Business Leaders Tried Before They Succeeded (Infographic)

Sydney is the second most expensive city for launching a startup, costing over $310,000 a year. And New York City came in as the third most expensive town at just below $300,000.

Estimates are based on the cost of renting one small office and hiring two web developers and a web designer for a year.

Check it out.


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From New York to Zurich

Accelerators & Incubators, accelerateur, incubateur, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Executive Business Accelerator, Gilles Bouchard, Harvard Business School, Harvard Business Angels, innovation, Louis Catala, reconversion, startups, Audra Shallal, expertise, entrepreneur investisseur, développement, international, entreprise de croissance, accompagnement cadres et dirigeants, cadres, dirigeants, grands groupes, outplacement, startupper From New York to Zurich